19 February 2009

The Rape Stairs

There is a certain set of stairs between the upper and lower firstie parking lots which has earned itself a unique nickname. They are the rape stairs. I'm sure it really does not mean anything and the stairs just follow the natural slope of the hill, but these stairs show the awesome power of cadet rumors. I don't know where the rumor started, when the stairs were built, or any real science behind it; but I do know the logic behind the nickname.

Supposedly the stairs are at such an angle that they enable victims of sexual assault to magically go up them much faster than their assailants. The story usually goes that because how spaced out the stairs are and what angle they're at, girls have a natural ability to fly up them while men awkwardly struggle to conquer them. The area they are in gets to be dark and lonely at night, and the bottom of the stairs is exactly the right spot where male cadets wait to get their prey. But wait! Not this time creep-o! As soon as you try and follow that female she will be long gone at the top of the stairs and you won't be able to catch up.

I bring this up to start illustrating a point on how powerful rumors are around the Academy. This one in particular is interesting because of how ridiculous it is, how widespread it is, and how long it has been in circulation.


  1. This has nothing to do with cadet rumors, but this kinda seems like something you'd write about.
    I just had my wisdom teeth out. I just got back from oral surgery with stronger narcotics because the first ones weren't working. i was laying down in my room, with the lights off, probably drooling on myself because i couldnt feel my face, and some guy just walks in my room and throws the lights on.
    He then proceeded to insist to his buddy that my room had to be AMIed because of the new wing policies. What kind of situational leadership are we teaching when people are so afraid to break the rules that they try to AMI a room with someone passed out in it?

  2. the stairs are to enable easy raping, thus the width and depth of the stairs. it provides a surface on which to rape.
