27 February 2009


The two everyday occurrences which are emphasized as unprofessional around USAFA are having your hands in your pockets and using a cell phone in uniform. I never really understood why this was but I'd like to imagine the logic behind these two devious acts goes something like this:

First, if you have your hands in your pockets you are obviously unprofessional. The military is a profession, and people that stick their hands in their pockets should not be part of the military. If you were in a battle and you put your hands in your pockets they would get shot. If your hands are cold, too bad! It's not our problem, wear some gloves or something. Didn't bring gloves and the weather just turned from 60 and sunny to 30 and snowing? You think I really care?! Get frostbite, maybe it'll make you tougher.

Second, okay fine we'll let you clip your cell phone on your belt, but our niceness stops there. The first think we think of when we see someone in a uniform on their cell phone is: how dare they. They're probably on the Psychic Friends Network like an idiot wasting taxpayer dollars. Nothing productive comes out of servicemen using their cell phones . . . ever. We will soon implement a rule to allow people to spit on servicemen using their cell phones in uniform. You've been warned.

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