04 April 2009

Hating Mitch's

Here at the United States Air Force Academy all cadets pay for three meals a day from the cadet dining facility: Mitchell Hall. At every mandatory meal the staff is able to serve 4,400 cadets in less than five minutes. Now it isn't always the best food in the world, but I think the food we get is pretty darn good for government work. I have my problems with the services Mitch's provides, but that is a rant for another day. As far as cadet activities go, hating Mitch's is definitely one of the most popular. It seems to me that whenever this subject comes up all cadets in the local area have to give their input on how horrible Mitch's is and how torturous it is to eat their food. We all have our favorite quotes from disgruntled cadets I'm sure; I overheard this gem while sitting down for dinner 3 dig year "the only thing Mitch's makes right is the water, and half the time they mess that up". The cadet who said this was 100% serious and all of his other buddies at the table totally agreed with him.

I'm always shocked to hear about cadets who leave immediately after "wing dismissed" and go back to their room to eat Ramen. Then there are cadets who get dinner delivered to the ECP every night because eating Mitch's would be unbearable. Their paycheck may quickly burn away, but at least their stomach will live to see another day. Even when Mitch's brings in outside food from KFC or Papa John's, the fact that Mitch's came in contact with it automatically transforms it into slop unworthy for the pig trough.


  1. Steve, I thought this was in the same vein as some of your comments. It's a product of two degree year and my humble contribution: Species Report: Cadetius

  2. Dude that is pretty spot on. I like where your head's at. I especially like the Firstie part, and the quote "This species is most easily found in bars trying to forget and or hoping to pass out and shorten conscious time until graduation." How true!
